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考证基础信息 + 备考策略(个性化抱佛脚版)。

是谁买了书看都不看最后考过了?是我啊,那没事了。本备考策略无需氪金买教材,0 成本狂野过高中英语教资!


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考常识,广而简单,刷一组题就知道调性了。需要重点看法律法规,其它类目的弱智题也有些反常识的点。建议使用“一起考教师”刷题后统计弱项,哪里不会学那里,以刷代背。 至于文化素养?看都不看,这分不要也罢!


  1. 职业理念(教育观、教师观、学生观)
  2. 职业道德(三爱两人一终身)
  3. 阅读理解(参考高中语文)






出题思路和高中政治一毛一样,全是根据特定理论知识分析材料答题。建议看套题心里有个底后直接找“CocoPolaris”的资料直接地毯式开背。她的资料花里胡哨的,但我也懒得找其他的了。 背完刷选择,主观题大同小异,看几道差不多得了。





流程:候考-抽题-备课(15 min)-结构化-试讲(10 min)-答辩
备考建议:看些 CocoPolaris 的视频大致了解一下结构化和答辩是干什么的,顺一下面试流程,面试玄学和小道消息,再看 -Pigtale- 的视频针对性学习就行了。










Hi everyone! Nice to see you again! Welcome to my 课程 class! Today we’re gonna learn something about 知识点. Are you ready?

Before we dive into today’s lesson, let me throw a picture your way. Please eyes up here and think about one question: what can you see in the picture?

Any volunteer? Ok, you please.
Excellent! Very good answer!
Great! I love your answer.

Today, our focus is on 主题. Open your books to page 20. What’s the title? Yes, 文章标题!【板书】


Now, let’s move on to the next part. In your groups, discuss the question: What are your thoughts on ____________________? Remember, this is an opportunity to share ideas and opinions, so feel free to express yourselves. You have 4 mins.

Ok, time’s up. Who’d like to start? Share your group’s ideas.
Excellent points! Thank you for sharing. Let’s hear from another group.

I appreciate everyone’s input, and it’s great to see such diverse opinions. Well done, everyone! We’ve successfully explored and discussed the topic today.


Now, it’s time for a summary. You will take on the role of an assistant teacher. Summarize what we’ve learned today. Feel free to mention any important concepts, terms, or insights that stood out to you. Remember to keep it concise and focus on the most crucial aspects. Who’d like to start? Ok, you please.
Excellent job! Your summary helps reinforce what we’ve learned today. This is all for today’s class.


For homework, your first task is to review what we’ve learned today. Additionally, I want you to search for more information about 主题. Be ready to share what you find with the class in our next session. See you guys tomorrow.


Before reading, we need to review some important new words. 板书单词。Repeat with me. Great.
Who can explain what this first word means?This is our previous homework. Yes, Sam?
Correct, nice job remembering. Who can explain the next word for us?Yes, you please.
Well done. What about this?
Great vocabulary preparation! I can see you took the preview homework seriously.


Now, we are ready to read. Skim through the text and try to grasp the main idea. You have 2 mins.

Ok, time’s up. Anna, you please.
Great. The main idea is 主题。
【板书】Main Idea
This is the progress of skimming.


Now, let’s dive deeper. In this part, we’re going to do some quick scanning. I’ll throw a few questions on the board, and your job is to zip through the text and spot the answers.

Time’s up! Let’s discuss what you’ve discovered.

Extensive Listening

Now, let’s begin with extensive listening. Extensive listening helps us get a broad understanding of the material. This is your first time hearing the recording. As you listen, try to grasp the overall message. Let’s go.

What did you learn from the recording? Share your thoughts with your partner shortly. You have 3 mins.

Intensive Listening

Now, let’s move on to intensive listening. We’ll listen to the recording again with a closer focus.

As you listen this time, be prepared to decide if the following statements are True or False. Concentrate on the details this time. Listen carefully and mark your answers.【板书】

Ok. Dose anyone want to share your answer? Anna, please!
Great! What about the next one?
Perfect! You are so great.


Listen to the recording one more time, and this time, read along with it. After that, I will invite some volunteers to share their thoughts on pronunciation rules/ how to commmunicate in English.

Take 5 minutes to practice the text. Afterward, I’ll invite some of you to read the text aloud. Don’t forget to use the pronunciation rules we just summarized.


Now, skim through the text and try to grasp the main idea. You have 2 mins.

Ok, time’s up. Anna, you please.
Great. The main idea is 主题。


Now, in your groups of four, read the text again and identify its basic structure.
Focus on the topic sentences in paragraph — this capture the main idea.
Look for transitional words or phrases that connect different parts of the sample.
Pay attention to the supporting ideas that back up the main topic. Remember, this is an opportunity to share ideas and opinions, so feel free to express yourselves. You have 5 mins.

Ok. Who’ d like to start? You please.
Excellent points! Thank you for sharing. Let’s hear from another group.
Great, sit down. I appreciate everyone’s input, and it’s great to see such diverse opinions. Well done, everyone!


Now, let’s move on to our next part. I’ll guide you with three questions. In your groups, discuss these questions and jot down your ideas. This discussion will help you conceive material for your writing. Time’s ticking, so make the most of these six minutes to brainstorm and share your insights.

Ok, time’s up! Any volunteer? Anna, please.
Good, Thanks for your sharing. What about you, jack?
Excellent! I’m proud of you! Sit down, plz.


Now, Let’s start outlining _______. Pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation as you jot down the key points.
Organize the ideas you’ve just discussed. Put them in a logical order for a clear structure. You have 3 mins.

Time’s up! Any volunteer? You please.
Excellent. Your answer is so Great. Sit down.


Now, it’s time to draft your composition. Write your own piece, and feel free to express your ideas. I’ll be around to help, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need assistance.

Anna, your draft is almost perfect. It would be better if you delete the nonsense words.


Take a moment for self-editing. Correct any spelling and grammar mistakes you find in your writing. You have 3 mins.

Now, let’s switch gears to peer-editing. Exchange your passage with a classmate and help each other correct spelling and grammar. Don’t forget to share suggestions for polishing the content. You have 4 mins.

Display and Evaluation

Time’s up! Who would like to share their passage with the class? Raise your hand. Great! As each student shares, pay attention. We’ll evaluate the passages together.

Feel free to provide constructive feedback. What did you like about your peer’s writing? Any suggestions for improvement?

I appreciate everyone’s contributions. Let’s learn from each other’s work.


Now, we are ready to read. Skim through the text and try to grasp the main idea. You have 2 mins.

Ok, time’s up. Anna, you please.
Great. The main idea is 主题。
【板书】Main Idea


Now, check out the board, read it out loud, and focus on what’s similar about the underlined parts.

Any volunteer? You please.
Excellent. Your answer is so Great. Sit down. This is the grammar knowledge we’re diving into today. Did anyone do some pre-reading? Share a brief overview of the concept we’re tackling. You please.
Well done! I can see you took the preview homework seriously. I’m pround of you.


Practice makes perfect, so let’s do some exercises to our understanding. Look at the screen. Please fill in the blanks and translate the sentence into English. Dot forget to use the new grammar knowledge. I’ll be around to help, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need assistance. Later, we will check the answers. You have 5 mins. Here we go.

【讲台下面走】Jack, your answer is almost perfect, just a few minor issues.
Hey, everyone, quick heads up. Grammar is key, no doubt, but don’t sleep on vocabulary. If you’re scratching your head at a bunch of words, it’s a bumpy road to mastering English.【低头】Go for it, Jack! I believe in you.

Ok, time’s up. Please eyes up here and check your answer.
Do you have anyquestions? All right, I think you have mastered it.


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